
Cyclo Rupes

Cyclo Model 5 Mark II Polisher

Cyclo Rupes

Cyclo Model 5 Mark II Polisher

Product Code: VTS-126

Our Price:


After you've removed the oxidation from your Airstream or other alclad aluminum trailer, you can bring out a high shine with this remarkable dual head polisher.

The Cyclo Dual Head Orbital Polisher has twin 4" heads that oscillate in unison causing the entire head to move with the same velocity. The polisher's dual orbital motion simulates gentle hand-rubbed quality and virtually eliminates burning, gouging and even swirl marks.

Comes with ProGuard Orbital Backing Plates with velcro hooks. You will want to purchase a package of foam pads (VTS-2379) to use under your cotton polishing bonnets.The foam pads go on the pad holders and act as soft cushions that provides the correct backing for your cotton polishing bonnets or cloth. Only the cotton will touch your aluminum trailer, not the foam.

All bonnets, pads and brushes are sold separately. When used with optional brushes, the Cyclo is also a terrific carpet, upholstery, and hard surface shampooer and scrubber.


  • Power Supply: 115 Volts, 60 Hertz, 220 Watts
  • Motor: alternating current, semi-enclosed 24-bar commutator, Output: 1/3 H.P. (.25 Kw)
  • Single Speed: 3000 orbits/minute
  • Weight: 6.5 lb. (2.9 kg)
  • Head Rotation/Diameter: clockwise/4"
  • Electric Cord: 10' length, 16 ga/3SJTOW
  • Housing: heavy-duty cast aluminum
  • One Year Limited Warranty
  • Blue VES head counterweights for use with ProGuard Orbital Backing Plates

Mark II is the newest generation of the Cyclo tool. It builds on the excellent reputation of this legendary tool with a few minor changes. The Mark II designation means you will get the new rocker switch, more ergonomic handle and easy-to-service motor brush holders.

Click here for an expanded diagram of the 5 and 5C models (PDF file)

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