
By John Brunkowski and Michael Closen

Don't Call Them Trailer Trash: The Illustrated Mobile Home Story

By John Brunkowski and Michael Closen

Don't Call Them Trailer Trash: The Illustrated Mobile Home Story

Product Code: VTS-2381

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by John Brunkowski and Michael Closen

Although the phrase “trailer trash” is catchy and kitschy in describing mobile home living, this revealing peek into a stereotype that has dogged the mobile home since its earliest days challenges that label and defends the honor of the trailer home. Via nearly 400 colorful and fun images—including 300 postcards, home advertising, emblems, newspaper articles, memorabilia, and other items of interest—the novel point is made: the mobile home most assuredly deserves greater respect. Ten chapters explore features of mobile home living — from the history, residential parks and amenities, and mobile mansions to interior and exterior designs, and the people who live in them. So, keep an open mind. You may come away with a new attitude about the mobile home.

Hard Cover
9-1/8" x 8-1/8"
144 Pages
full color