Sometimes you have a small repair and need a strong epoxy filler. Of course the best repair is when you can replace the damaged wood, but sometimes that is too costly and time-consuming when simply filling it will work.
Fill-It epoxy filler represents a breakthrough in the technology of filling compounds. Through the use of advanced hydrogen bonding technology, Smith & Co have produced a high strength, light weight, non-sagging, easily sanded epoxy filler. It consists of an epoxy resin and a curing agent which is derived from natural wood resins, and so is very compatible with wood.
The two components are designed to mix one to one by volume. When mixed they become a gel which may be faired and worked to a feather edge. After one to two hours in moderate weather it begins to harden, and cures overnight. As soon as it does not gum up the paper it may be sanded, and primers or paints applied. It is easily carved or drilled, and screws may be driven into pilot holes without cracking. It has sufficient compressive strength and flexibility that it is suitable for wooden framing, floor patches, cabinetry repairs and other wood parts of vintage trailers.
This product was invented by a physicist and engineer (with thirty years experience in the aerospace industry). It was designed to meet the same formulation standards as aerospace materials. It contains an aerospace adhesion-enhancing additive to give it aggressive and tenacious adhesion to wood, cement and a wide variety of materials. It is reinforced with glass fibers for extra tensile strength. In fact, all of the solid fillers or reinforcing additives are chemically engineered glass of one form or another. This gives the best long-term stability and moisture resistance.
The product incorporates Dual Synergistic Catalyst Technology. This gives a longer working time and shorter full cure time. The new technology also ensures an absolutely dependable full chemical cure at temperatures as low as 28°F (-2°C).
In order to ensure good adhesion of Fill-It epoxy filler to a surface, the first application should be a thin film smeared forcefully against the surface. An additional quantity may then be applied to build up to the required thickness. The uncured material may be tooled smooth and level by placing a clean new piece of clear 4-mil or 6-mil polyethylene sheet over the uncured material and using a squeegee or other tool to smooth the filler through the plastic. Leave the plastic film in place until the filler has cured, when the plastic film may easily be peeled off. In order to ensure adhesion of whatever primer or paint is to be applied next, it is recommended that Fill-It epoxy filler be sanded before painting.
Sophisticated adhesives, sealants and coatings are two-component systems. One part has to be mixed with another part before they are applied. After a while, a chemical reaction takes place, and what is created is a filler, paint or glue with exceptional properties. It is not possible to obtain those properties by taking some simple thing out of a can.
Each of these two parts, whether they are liquids or pastes, consists of very small components called molecules. The manufacturer designed the system so that the individual molecules of each component would react with each other in certain proportions. That is why the instructions say to mix the materials in those proportions.
If the materials are mixed in different proportions, then some molecules of one or another component are left over, scattered among the molecules of both components that did react together. In that case, the material will be softer or weaker than it should be, or will soften in water when it should not. It might be a gooey mess. It is therefore important to mix the components thoroughly, so that everywhere in the mixture the ingredients are in the correct proportions, even down to the individual molecules.
Smith & Co makes Fill-It parts A and B different colors to make it easy to thoroughly mix the product. When you can see the streaks of different colors you know you must continue to smear, scrape, fold and mix until the color is uniform. The mixing tools themselves must be scraped occasionally. If mixing a paste on a flat surface, the mixing surface itself must occasionally be scraped off. When mixing liquids in a container, mix thoroughly in one container and then scrape out the entire contents into a second container and mix again.
If there are any soft or gooey spots in the final cured product, that is proof that the material was not thoroughly mixed.
Should be used within a year of manufacturing date however will last 2-3 years if tightly sealed after use.