
Vintage Trailer Supply

Gasket for Overlay Doors - 16' Length

Vintage Trailer Supply

Gasket for Overlay Doors - 16' Length

Product Code: VTS-229

Our Price:


/ 16-ft length

Our black EPDM sponge rubber door seal is approximately 11/16" overall height and approximately 1/2" high to the top of the D-shaped bulb only.  We provide a strong peel-and-stick tape backing which makes installation very easy.  It can be used on many trailer doors.


1957-62 Airstream

This is a good door gasket to use on almost all 1957 to 1962 Airstreams.  It works on Airstreams of that era for both the main door seal and the inner "door within a door" (if present) when the door edge overlays the exterior of the trailer skin.  It does not work in situations where the door edge is inset flush with the exterior skin.  Also, due to changes in the hinge and door designs for 1963 and later, it does not work on Airstreams after 1962

Again, it is important to understand that for this seal to work on your main door, your door flange (or edge) must overlap the trailer exterior shell rather than close flush inset with the trailer's side.

It is installed in up to three locations on trailers of the era.  Those three locations are:

  1. Main door perimeter
  2. Main door doorway on the stop flange
  3. "Door-within-a-door" perimeter

Let's review the application in each of the 3 potential locations:

Main Door Perimeter - This is the most important location as it is your primary defense against water infiltration.  It should be adhered to the flange that is around the perimeter of the main large door.  When the door closes, it compresses against the exterior shiny trailer skin.

Main Doorway Stop Flange - The flange around the permieter in your door jamb that stops the door in the correct closed position is callsed the door stop.  This is the second most important location to place a door gasket.  It is adhered to the stop flange and when the door closes, it comopresses against the interior painted surface of your door.  This gasket and the first gasket do not touch when the door is closed as each compresses against metal, forming a double "space capsule" seal.

Door Within a Door - Most Airstreams of this era have a "door within a door" that covers the insect screen in the main door.  This beautiful feature was continued beyond 1962, but the dimensions changed.  Up until 1962, this seal works very well as the gasket for this inner door too.  There is just the one seal for this door.

Please contact us before ordering if you are unsure about installation or whether this fits your trailer.



If your door or hinges have been bent over the years, installing a new gasket may not fully stop your leaks.  Or in some extreme cases, the new gasket can prevent the door from closing correctly.  Please inspect the gap between the door flange and trailer skin to make sure it is consistent all the way around.  If it is not, you may need to adjust your hinges or door curvature by re-bending them.

Always attach the gasket to the mounting surface with the gasket's flap-like protrusion pointing to the outside edge of the mounting flange. 

  • Before installation, prepare your surface properly.  Use a non-residual cleaner like isopropyl alcohol to thoroughly clean the area where the seal is to be adhered.  Wipe thoroughly and let dry. 
  • You can adhere directly to bare aluminum or paint, but it sill not stick to bare steel unless painted first. 
  • Do not apply to any surface when temperatures are below 60 degrees F or above 85 degrees F. 
  • Wait 48 to 72 hours after application for adhesive to reach full strength.  
  • Store in a cool dry area before application.  Keep stored between 65 and 75 degrees F and use within 6 months of purchasing.
  • Base width is .687"
  • Height of D is .5"
  • Length is 16 feet (+/- 4")

Closed cell EPDM gaskets are extremely resistant to wear, ageing, weather influences, ozone and UV-light. EPDM has outstanding sealing properties in extreme weather conditions and excellent temperature stability in cold climate.