This 10 gallon portable polyethylene gray/black water holding tank is only 8.25" high. The standard bayonet fitting and cap add another inch. It is one of the lowest profile gray tanks available and the perfect capacity for many small vintage trailers without gray tanks.
Even at just 10 gallons, when it is full of water, it can weigh almost 90 pounds, so its a good thing it has two sturdy wheels. Just roll it over to a spot that it can be dumped and tip it up.
It is 15" x 30" wide. Equipped with a 3" male bayonet outlet, a 3/4" garden hose outlet and heavy-duty wheels.
Comes with a 3" bayonet cap, short length of garden hose for gray water use and a 3" sewer hose adapter for the bayonet fitting on the tank.