

Two-Tank Changeover Regulator and Pigtail Replacement Kit


Two-Tank Changeover Regulator and Pigtail Replacement Kit

Product Code: VTS-940

Special Kit Price:


The key high pressure parts of your LPG system are the pigtails and pressure regulator.  To stay safe, experts recommend replacing an RV propane regulator at least once every 10 years. Pigtail hoses should be replaced when they get stiff, which is usually every 2 to 5 years. With this handy bundle, you can catch up on your deferred maintenance quickly and easily. 

It's all together in one kit and includes a FREE bottle of leak testing solution.   

This kit includes:

  • One Italian-made Cavagna two-stage automatic changeover LP gas regulator (Sold separately for $69.99 here)
  • Two 12" long Cavagna pigtails (Sold separately for $15.99 each here)
  • One roll of gas-rated thread tape for leak-free propane connections (Sold separately for $3.99 here)
  • One bottle of leak testing solution for gas systems (Free in this kit, but sold separately for $6.79 here)

The heart of this system is the high quality Italian-made Cavagna regulator.  

To assemble this kit, you will need a 9/16" crescent wrench to remove remove attach the pigtails to the regulator.  While thread tape is not essential in this connection, it is advised for the tightest fit. However, take care to keep the tape off the end of the male threads so it does not interfere with the flare connection.  You will also need a wrench to connect your trailer's low pressure hose to the bottom output of the regulator. The regulator has an industry standard 3/8" Female NPT outlet for connection of a standard 3/8" Male NPT hose.  This connection requires the thread tape required in this kit.


If you are not familiar with changeover regulators, here's a brief article you can read.

Cavagna was founded in 1949 in Northern Italy.  They are one of the world's largest and most respected manufacturer of gas control products.  They are our preferred supplier of regulators due to their excellent quality control.


Description Above Price
  • Free 8oz Bottle of Leak Detecting Solution! 
  • Includes Regulator, Pigtails and Supplies