From the late 1950 through the 1970s, Bargman created this iconic wedding cake style taillight. It is surface mounted to the trailer with 3 screws. Then the lens is attached to the backplate with 3 screws. If the backing plate has one bulb, it is designated a model No.98. If it has two bulbs, it is designated a model No.99.
This is a reproduction of the complete one-bulb Bargman Trail-Lite No.98 taillight. In includes the one-bulb version of our stainless steel backing plate, all internal components, 1157 bulb, red wedding cake lens, high quality lens gasket and three lens mounting screws. Regardless of whether the taillight has one or two bulbs, the lens is marked No.99.
The lens is 6.5" in diameter and the backing plate is slightly smaller.
WIRING NOTE: This taillight has one 1157 bulb. An 1157 bulb is an indexed two-filament bulb. That means that it has two filaments of different sizes. The brighter filament is wired to your turn signal and your brake. The dimmer filament is wired to the running lights. There is no ground wire. The bulb is grounded to your trailer body through the back plate.